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Caste System ​

Word count
136 words
Reading time
1 minute

Hierarchical societal structure unique to South Asia
Determines rank, status, privilege and power
Is a social construct

Often linked to Hinduism (contested)

[!abstract] Caste
Each of the social groups in the caste system

[!abstract] Casteism
Discrimination based on caste

Continuity ​

The rigid and inflexible caste system is perpetuated by:

  • Birth (one is born into a fixed caste and cannot move caste)
  • Endogamy
  • Occupation
  • Commensality
  • Ostracisation and violence against violators of caste norms
  • Belief in karma (followers of caste norms reincarnate into a higher caste)

[!abstract] Endogamy
Marriage within a specific social group

[!abstract]+ Commensality
Rules of eating:

  • Eat with the same caste group
  • Not eat prepared food from another caste
    • Can prepare food using ingredients sold by another caste

